Integrated Housing and Healthcare for the Families Experiencing Homelessness
Illumination Foundation has been providing integrated housing and healthcare services to those experiencing homelessness for the past 15 years. Our mission is to disrupt the cycle of homelessness in Southern California by providing a comprehensive safety net of client-centered services for the most vulnerable individuals, families, and children.
Illumination Foundation believes that every person has an intrinsic right to home, health, and dignity. From street to home, we provide a full continuum of care and resources to provide the support families need.
It’s difficult to count and track the number of people experiencing homelessness in Orange County, especially children. The 2022 Point In Time Count tallied 721 children under the age of 18 in Orange County who were experiencing homelessness. But a recent OC Grand Jury report notes that number differs greatly from the 23,246 children identified by the county’s school districts based on the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
Some key takeaways from the report include: Children who are raised in homelessness have higher absenteeism rates, lower literacy rates, and a more limited vocabulary, with nearly 70% unable to meet state standards on state mandated tests. In Orange County, less than 35% of all homeless students in public schools met or exceeded State Standards in English Language Arts, less than 25% met or exceeded State Standards in math, and they graduate at lower rates than average. This limits their opportunities for stable jobs, increasing the risk of continuing housing insecurity in adulthood and maintaining the ongoing cycle of homelessness.
Illumination Foundation has four family emergency shelters created to disrupt this cycle for children experiencing homelessness. These homes are shared living spaces where each family is assigned to their own bedroom and they share common areas with other families on-site.
Our Children and Families Program provides comprehensive, client-centered, trauma-informed supportive services on site. We focus on developmental and behavioral health screenings, counseling, medical and behavioral health connections, parenting education, educational support services, and other enrichment programs.
As a survivor of domestic violence, Aimee faced the challenge of finding stable housing for herself and her son. Through Illumination Foundation, Aimee found residence at the Theriault Family Emergency Shelter, where she was connected to on-site parenting classes, counseling, and tutoring services for her oldest son. Aimee moved into a two bedroom apartment with her sons and now has a place to call home.
All these services work together to provide the structure and continuity to help our clients begin moving toward proactive participation in their family’s medical care, stability, and permanent housing. Our model of integrated housing and healthcare has made an enormous impact on families experiencing homelessness.
Access to affordable housing and healthcare services is critical to meet the needs of our communities. We continue to develop partnerships, programs, and services to further our mission.
You can be part of the solution in disrupting the cycle of homelessness. When you invest in people’s lives, you invest in our communities and the future. You can make an impact today as an advocate, partner, donor, or volunteer.
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